Olivia has a personality much bigger than her body. She laughs with her whole torso. If she finds anything even slightly amusing her head reels back and out of her mouth comes a laugh that summons every eye to turn in her direction. And as quickly as she laughs, she cries. Not only does this make her and I a lot alike, but this is easiest type of subject to photograph. Emotionally wide open and ready to be captured. Ethan on the other hand is fairly quiet, and on a normal basis more guarded with his displays of emotion. His demeanor however takes on a decided transformation whenever Olivia enters the room. He is besotted and it was never more clear than on their wedding day. So photographing them was easy. And God knew with the streak of craziness I've had, I needed to have a day where I wouldn't have to work for any of the emotions that are in these pictures. It was special and wonderful to be a part of their day.
And to Olivia's family... I was humbled and blessed to meet you. You are a beautiful and inspiring example of Christianity and I was very much reminded to reprioritize my life to be a better wife and mom. I know Olivia will miss you fiercely, but I also know from personal experience that she will be happy in Flagstaff and there are some of the world's best ready to nurture and love her up on this mountain. Now whether our church can handle two of us roaring with laughter the way we do... we have yet to see.
P.S. I have had a few requests to do more weddings, and I wanted to just let everyone know that I really am now "officially retired" from wedding assignments. The ones you may see in the future will only be those of very close family and friends. It is hard for me because it's now woven into my identity. It's something I love doing but it consumes more time than what I have. I know with assurance that it matters more that I have time for my kids and husband right now than satisfying my creative outlet. God knows the plan for my life and He knows where he'll use my talents in the future. I couldn't have asked for a better pair to officially end this chapter of my career on and am so grateful for each person who trusted me on their big day. I will always be humbled that you chose me.