Saturday, July 17, 2010

The McGinleys

You know that old saying "It takes a village to raise a child"? It's true. There are those who offer emotional support through pregnancy and child rearing, those who help you look after them when you can't, those who teach them and those who help clothe them. Liz has fallen into all the above categories... especially the latter. I can't really begin to imagine what I would have done without all those little shoes and dresses that she kindly sent our way. She is always faithful and someone I admire and look up to as a mom. I wanted to do some photos as a thank-you. It's not enough but it's atleast a gesture. :) Enjoy my favorites from our little session.

One thing we learned on this trip is that John-John is NOT afraid of horses. Unlike me. ;)


  1. Awesome Pictures!

  2. WOW! Outstanding photos. You have a gift to "capture the moment"!


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