Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tim & Jenna's Wedding

Sometimes life has a sense of irony. A few years back I went to Jerome with Jenna to take graduation pictures. At the time she was a friend of a friend. :) I took photos and came home reflecting on her grace and maturity and wished her the best in achieving all her dreams. Read that blog post here. Little did I know that it wouldn't be long till her heart would turn toward my handsome brother in law, who though much older, immediately fell for Jenna himself and the dreams I wished her to achieve would end up revolving around joining our family and sharing her new and future dreams with Tim.  She wrangled the heart of a true bachelor and the rest as they say... is history. Last weekend I got to witness and photograph two people who gave me the privilege every photographer longs for - the chance to capture two people whose joy at being finally "each other's" transcended awkwardness and blossomed into beautiful genuine pictures. I chose the first photo in this post not because it's in the best location or because it's the most impressive... but because I felt like it perfectly captured how these two feel about one another. And hey... you can be a billionaire and not be able to buy someone looking at you like that. That makes you wealthy guys! Congratulations on your NEW wife Timmy. :)

This is their ceremony held at the gorgeous chapel of the Verde Valley International Boarding school . It is the most stunning location imaginable but an interesting challenge for a photographer with the massive contrast of the background. Even straight-out-of-camera some of the pictures looked a little unrealistic... but really... this is JUST what it looked like.

In the next few days I'm so excited to share their formal pictures. The venue and the people did not fail my high exceptions. :) Stay tuned!


  1. Gorgeous pictures Sarah! Congrats to your family :-)

    1. Oh my gosh Anna - just checked out your blog. I feel like a terrible mom now - I should post a photo of my daughter's boring lunches. I'll have to try some of your tricks :) Hope you guys are doing well.


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